Are you an "aggressive" driver? Everyone answers "no" to this question because "aggressive" has become associated with road rage incidents. Today we replace "aggressive" with the word "severe." Severe driving is often unavoidable.
8 Types of Severe Driving
While most motorists have experienced "severe" driving on occasion, for other drivers it is an unavoidable part of their daily commute. If you are a severe driver, take extra care to avoid excessive wear and tear on your car, SUV or truck. Severe drivers are more likely to experience an inconvenient breakdown.
Increase Your Preventive Maintenance Intervals On These Six Important Items:
Other ways to avoid excess wear and tear on your car from severe driving involve slowing down, avoiding quick starts and stops, and removing heavy items left in your car's trunk or truck bed. Remember gas mileage decreases rapidly when you drive above 60 mph.
Stop by Shawn's Auto Repair and Performance in Richland Center and let our pro mechanics help you develop a preventive maintenance plan that matches your driving style. Call today at 608-649-2886 or come by the service center at 184 East Mill St, Richland Center, WI, 53581.
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